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Saturday, January 14, 2006

Kids and why I'm TIRED

*SIGH* I went to bed last night at 11PM and at 1:45AM I woke up to a sound downstairs and thought "Eh, the kids are still up." problem...but I never went back to sleep. At 3AM I could see thru our bedroom door that there was still a light on downstairs. Sure enough, I came downstairs and there was Sarah. I told her to get to bed since we had to be up and on the road at 7AM to take her back to "school". (I put it as "school" cuz she's been kicked out of her 4yr university due to lack of progress and is going to the community college there.)

Anywho...I went back to bed and was still awake at 4:30AM. UGH...I awoke at 7AM and got up, showered and took DD back to "college". Turned around and came home...arriving at 6:30. DH took me to dinner!

In the mean time I found out from Kevin that Sarah broke a spindle on our banister at 1:45 AM when she tripped coming down the stairs...that was the noise that woke me up. I called Sarah and said when did you think you were going to tell me about the spindle? She said she was going to call me tonight. I said good grief, we spent 5 hours together today and you couldn't tell me????? She thought I'd be mad cuz when the boys, Kevin and Dan, chase each other in the house I always yell SPINDLES!!! LOL...I told Sarah it was an accident and stuff happens but to TELL me!!

I'm tired...I think I'll have one or two of the 4 major food groups...A BEER...and go to bed! ;)

I hope to get some quilting in tomorrow...HOPE is the operative word there!



Jeanne said...

{{Laurie}} Whew - a LONG day! Hope she gets headed on the road to maturity -- it's a long journey! Enjoy maybe TWO beers :)

Hunter said...

And I hope you have a great rest and a whole day of quilting at the next, earliest possible time.


Granny said...

Good grief! Hopefully you can get the spindle replaced without too much trouble. I suppose kids eventually grow up but I'm not speaking from experience! :(

Hopefully Sarah will do good at community college.

Don't know how you spend that much time on the road with so little sleep. Glad you're home.

Judy L.

Unknown said...

I hope it's light beer. ;)


The Calico Cat said...

UGH - I really need to quit whining - it could be worse. Lucky your gilr didn't break something besides a spindle... Like an arm...

Hopefully the CC is a better fit for her...

Finn said...

Oh the joys of motherhood..maybe a beer and some fabric fondling..? Hang in there!!

Mary Johnson said...

I had a night wanderer too but then I'm up most nights myself so it didn't disrupt my sleep - I could always sleep late in the morning.

Thanks for the WW encouragement. They say the last lbs are the hardest so good luck to you.

Tracey said...

Something you (and Sarah)( can look back on and laugh about one day. :o)