Don't Be Shy!

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008




The Calico Cat said...

According to my husband, honesty never got him anywhere as a child - so why bother as an adult. (We are working on that one, but the more I hear his mother & brother I know where it comes from.)

Don't get me wrong, my M-I-L does not out & out lie, but she twists things to make them sound not as bad as they are. For example, her neighbor hacked a tree beyond what she thought was appropriate (She grew up in a NYC apartment - the irony) as she complained immediately after seeing the tree. The next day, "Well, they just pruned it so that the electrical wires would not get caught if it fell." (I have other examples that would make you think that I was exaggerating.)

Mary Johnson said...

I don't know why but I bet it happens to us all to some degree. So far we haven't had any major issues with our two sons but the youngest is having some financial issues and lets just say he didn't come out with the whole story without encouragement!

Barb said...

Our kids are "our" kids, even when they are adults, and we continue to worry and to care! But none of this takes away the frustration, the "*sigh*" in your blog entry tells me YOU ARE HURTING!! (((HUGS))) and H/LY