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Friday, February 15, 2008

I've been tagged...

I have been tagged by Country Mouse and decided to play. I'm supposed to tell you 7 random things about myself. So here goes:

1. I gave birth to 4 kids in 5.5 years and never had any pain killers! YIKES!!!
2. I am married to a man who hasn't missed a day of running in 35 years
3. My DH and I own 3 weeks of Marriott Timeshares: 2 weeks in Palm Desert and 1 week in Oahu. WE LOVE TO TRAVEL!!!
4. I have 2 tattooes that I got when I was 45!!
5. I have 41,000+ miles on my car that is only 18 months old! My license plate says "RDTRIPN" for a reason!
6. I love long as they are happy ones!
7. I want to look like my mom when I am gray haired...she had GORGEOUS gray hair!

So there ya have it! Random things about me! I tag anyone who reads this and wants to play!

1 comment:

country mouse said...

Thanks for playing along :) How cool that you hubby is a runner. I wish I could say my record for not missing a run was as good as his!