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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Women and body image

My friend was channel surfing and came upon a show called "How to Look Good Naked". It is on the LIFETIME channel if you get it and is an amazing show. As women we are so critical of ourselves. This show takes a person who is overweight and gets them to undress to their underwear. Then they put their picture (from the neck down) on a billboard in Time Square. (GASP) They ask people on the street what they think of that woman. It is amazing what comments they get.

Then they get the person better underwear and clothes. It is such a great transformation because they aren't trying to do an exremem makeover. They are trying to get the person to love themself they way they are.

If you get this channel, look this show up and check it out. It is only 30 minutes and is such an inspiring show.

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